ASPIRE Opens a New Year
ASPIRE members will welcome freshmen and other campus members who are interested in getting involved during opening activities scheduled for the week of September 5th. Check the Get Involved Calendar for details. ASPIRE President Quindara Lazenbury and the Officers have planned an interesting semester of meetings and workshops that include sessions on Integrating the Arts into Learning Activities, Making the Right Impression: Mock Job Interviews, Achieving Success with ALL Students and much, much more.
A record number (19) of ASPIRE members and supporters has already signed up to support the organization’s outreach and service work. The College Awareness Reaching Everyone (CARE) 2011-12 workshops for vulnerable middle and high school students will begin in late September. Check the Get Involved page for details. For information on joining the ASPIRE program, contact
This entry was posted in Preprofessional Development in Teacher Education, Service Learning in Teacher Education, Undergraduate Teacher Education and tagged Student Organization.